Quality by Design: from theory to lab and industrial practice

To know Design of Experiment (DoE) theory and to understand its applications in the everyday laboratory practice: these were the aims of the workshop about DoE that A.It.U.N. organized on 28-29-30th October. The workshop was addressed to Ph.D. students and took place at the Department of Drug Sciences of the University of Pavia, Italy. Almost 25 participants attended the course: they belong to different Italian Universities (Salerno, Ferrara, Parma, Padova, Pavia, Milano) and different scientific fields.
After welcome remarks of A.It.U.N. chair, Barbara Colzani, and of the director of Drug Sciences Department, prof. Gabriella Massolini, the workshop started with the lectures. Prof. Dimitrios Rekkas, professor of Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Athen and QbD great expert, took the main lecture, describing the history of QbD and some examples of its application in pharmaceutical field. In the second lecture, prof. Federico Bassetti, assistant professor at the University of Pavia, refreshed the statistic basic principles to better understand DoE application. For the last two days prof. Marco Della Seta (University Bocconi, Milan) developed DoE principles from a theoric and a practical point of view, experiencing DoE with Statgraphics Centurion software.
The workshop was of great interest among the participants, that understood the potentialities of DoE to design research project and to describe results. Moreover, it was a beautiful occasion for students and young researchers to share experiences and knowledge.
Thanks to AAPS, to “ufficio ECM” of Department of Drug Sciences (University of Pavia), to consortium TEFARCO Innova and to the Department of Drug Sciences (University of Pavia) for supporting this event.